Get your public bathroom ready for visitors post lockdown

Get Your Public Bathroom Ready For Visitors Post Lockdown

If you work in or own an establishment that is due to reopen in the next few weeks, you are probably busy putting in place measures to make your public restrooms and the rest of your premises covid safe. The public will already likely be a little nervous about using public facilities after lockdown. You’ll want to make sure your facilities are in tip-top condition. Public bathrooms do not have the best reputation at the best of times. Your customers are likely to be on a higher than normal alert level when checking for germs, so it's even more important than ever that you take steps to up your cleanliness and make your restrooms as inviting as possible. Here at we’ve put together our top tips to get your toilets ready for your customers after lockdown:

Consider Social Distancing

You may have already been through this after the first lockdown, but if you have 3 or 4 toilets and sinks consider closing every other one to allow space for social distancing. People will feel more comfortable without someone being right next to them either in a cubicle or at the sink when they are washing their hands. Also put up signs that state how many people are allowed in the public bathroom at any one time and remind them they should be wearing a face covering. Although most people are used to wearing masks now, you may find after a couple of beverages in a restaurant or pub they could easily forget, so having visual signs acts as a great reminder.

Be squeaky clean

You probably had a cleaning schedule in place before, but now it needs to be more rigorous than ever before. You do not want your customers to fear using your toilets because they do not appear fresh and clean. Make sure the toilets are thoroughly cleaned 2-3 times a day and checked at regular intervals as well. Foul smells can build up rapidly in bathrooms so make sure you use air fresheners and consider investing in some urifresh urinal mats in the men's toilets. They have a built in anti-splash technology which means you're less likely to get urine splashes on your floor, and these urinal mats come in a variety of pleasant fragrances that will help keep your urinal smelling fresh between cleans, check them out at

Don’t forget the soap and sanitiser

Again, you are probably more than aware that people want to sanitise their hands at all touch points in your premises this includes when entering and leaving the bathroom. You'll also want to make sure your hand soap is a good quality antibacterial one. Consider investing in wall mounted soap and sanitiser dispensers; these are more hygienic than loose ones which can be handled in multiple ways and lead to germs being spread. A wall mounted unit also appears more professional and hygienic and will be easier to clean.

These are just a handful of tips for preparing your facilities ahead of reopening in April and May. It’s been a long road but the UK is slowly transitioning back to a new normal and taking precautions to make your facilities as safe as possible will help aid the reopening of public spaces for everyone. Here at, we hope you are able to reopen safely under the new guidelines. Don’t forget to check out our range of fragranced urinal mats at to update your public bathroom ahead of reopening.


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